I parked here yesterday. Was thankful for the beauty of spring, the blue sky and the cool breeze, the beautiful tree and deep green bushes….except for the dead part. And I wondered why?
Why in the middle of growth and beauty and after several recent soaking rains could ONE part completely die?
It reminded me of families and friends who sit side by side in church, hear the same message, prayed for by the same grandma perhaps, but although they both have the same chances and choices…one person’s faith lives and one dies.
I don’t have much hope for this bush.
But if you know someone who is on the verge of or has already allowed their relationship with God to die, know that it began with just one branch that got brittle, perhaps because of distractions in life, disappointment or unbelief – or because someone they thought was a Christian failed miserably. If that person is you – – please reconsider. Don’t let anyONE or anyTHING ruin your eternal destination – – because that choice is 100% up to you. And If that person is someone you care about, determine to pray daily they will have a wake-up call before it’s too late.
“You are supposed to be alive, but in reality you are dead. Rouse YOURSELF and keep awake and strengthen what remains but is on the point of dying; for I have not found a THING you have done, and not ANY WORK of yours meeting the requirements of my God or that is perfect in His sight. So call to mind the past lessons you received and heard and continually lay them to heart and obey them and repent; but if you do NOT rouse yourself or keep awake and watch, I will come upon you like a thief and you will not know or suspect at what hour I will come.” Revelation 3:2-3
Quit hitting the spiritual snooze button.
Wake up.