Some people barely nibble.
Some people snack.
Some people are extremely picky.
Some people are vegan.
Some people are carnivores.
Some people fast for days or weeks.
Some people even dry fast.
Some people never finish their plate.
Some people ask for seconds. Or thirds.
Some people eat the same thing every day.
Some people love buffets and variety.
Some people are anorexic.
Some people are bulimic and get rid of theirs.
Some people feast all day and are fully satisfied.
And we’re not talking about food here. If you feel like something is missing, or life isn’t quite turning out the way you expected, or you’re dissatisfied, wondering why you are here on earth, or there’s any other “hunger” in your body, soul or spirit – – go get some real food. As much as you want.
“Man does not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes out of God’s mouth.” Matthew 4:4